It is fought between Canada and Germany. See Map 5.

The opposing force was the German 10th Army. Steve. Breakout time came with Operation DIADEM in May 1944.

This map shows these territories as well as the German advance into the Soviet Union. The epic story of the liberation of Europe in World War II. The battle involved attacks on four fronts, and took two months to get all the troops in place.

The Polish II Corps wanted to renew their attack but was advised to wait for the British in the Liri Valley to make more progress so the units could meet up at Highway Six.

Enter your search terms Submit search form : Web: You are here >1UpTravel > Map Zone | Country Maps: ADVERTISEMENT: Rome-Arno - Operation Diadem, 11 - 18 May 1944 From the Rome-Arno Campaign Brochure by Clayton D. …

Operation Diadem was the final battle at Cassino, during which the Division was a part of the British XIII Corps (Lieutenant General Sidney Kirkman). Operation Diadem is a map set in Monte Cassino, Italy. Operation Diadem, also referred to as the Fourth Battle of Monte Cassino or, in Canada, the Battle of the Liri Valley, was an offensive operation undertaken by the Allies of World War II (U.S. Fifth Army and British Eighth Army in May 1944, as part of the Italian Campaign of World War II.

Description The Canadians start off with one uncapturable base, whereas the Germans have five control points to defend.

The Allies fell back, and planned Operation Diadem – the fourth and final battle.

Post by stefan von ditner » 28 Oct …

Take note that the French Morrocan troops and the British 1st and 5th Infantry Divisions were under the command of the US 5th Army. Top. By the 17 May, the Polish corps broke through the German defences.

The plan was that the US II Corps on the left would attack up the coast along the line of Route 7 towards Rome. Either side can only incur a ticket bleed to their opponents by holding all four control points, making this map a war of attrition.

The attack started on the evening of the 11 May 1944.

Here are wonderful and descriptive Historical Maps of World War II .History of World War II map can be discovered here at 1UpTravel Map Zone .

The Indians captured the Village of Sant’ Angelo on the 13th. Diadem was supported by air attacks called Operation Strangle. stefan von ditner Member Posts: 36 Joined: 27 Oct 2006, 23:59 Location: toronto, ontario.

Scenario 26 represents the first 14 hours of Operation Diadem all along the area depicted by the game map. Operation Diadem was the Allied offensive that began on 11 May 1944 and included both US 5th Army and British 8 Army.