Hydronephrosis is a condition where one or both kidneys become stretched and swollen as the result of a build-up of urine inside them. This occurs in 1 per 100 pregnancies. Hydronephrosis is usually diagnosed in one of two ways. 2) An ultrasound done as a routine evaluation for another medical problem, such as a urinary tract infection or incontinence, may also reveal hydronephrosis. 1) A prenatal ultrasound (ultrasound during pregnancy) may reveal a fetus with dilated kidneys. The asymptomatic dilation of the renal calyces, the renal pelvis and the upper two-thirds of uterus during pregnancy results in this typical condition. Doctors can see it on ultrasound sometime by the 12 th week in a pregnancy. The renal pelvic dilatation may have gone away by the time of this examination. If the renal pelvic dilatation continues, you will be advised to have a repeat ultrasound scan at about 30-34 weeks into your pregnancy. It can affect people of any age and is sometimes spotted in unborn babies during routine pregnancy ultrasound scans. In fact, it is a common condition affecting pregnant women. 2. In recent years, better ultrasound machines have allowed your doctor to see your baby's kidneys more clearly during pregnancy. This condition is also referred to as hydronephrosis and the severity of the condition may range from mild to severe. Hydronephrosis can happen at any age and can affect pregnant women too. You will have a follow-up scan in the fetal medicine unit at about 28-34 weeks of pregnancy, or earlier. When the flow of urine is obstructed due to the growing fetus compressing the ureters, the blocked urine causes the kidneys to swell or become distended. Routine maternal sonography scans, especially during the early months of pregnancy may be associated with incidental findings like enlargement of the kidneys. This is known as antenatal hydronephrosis. Hydronephrosis is a condition that affects one or both the kidneys. It is most often seen in 0.5 percent of female fetuses, and 1 percent of male fetuses. (1) Also referred to as gestational hydronephrosis, it associates with the common trouble of urinary tract infection in pregnant women. A urinary condition that is less well known, however, is 'hydronephrosis of pregnancy,' or swelling of the kidneys. An enlarged kidney in fetus happens when a kidney fills up with fluid.

Different types of problems can be found including absence of one or both kidneys, abnormal position of a kidney, hydronephrosis (swelling of a …