EUROPEAN SECURITY AND DEFENCE POLICY European security and defence policy: the civilian aspects of crisis management Updated: August 2009 civ/03 Civilian crisis management is an important tool under the European security and defence policy (ESDP). The CSDP is framed by the Treaty on European Union (TEU). Latest news about EU initiatives relating to a common security policy for Europe. 2. EUPOL Proxima in Macedonia, 2003-2005 Tobias Flessenkemper 7. The Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) replaces the former European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) and was introduced by the Lisbon Treaty as an integral part of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). On 4 December 1998 the United Kingdom, which had traditionally opposed the introduction of European autonomous defence capacities, signed the Saint-Malo declaration together with France. As in the preceding Treaties, the CSDP remains a fundamentally intergovernmental issue. 2/ 23 March 2018: In view of our shared values and common challenges, there should be a strong EU-UK cooperation in the fields of foreign, security and defence policy. The common security and defence policy (CSDP) is an integral part of the Union’s common foreign and security policy (CFSP). European Security and Defence Policy. Trade, humanitarian aid, and development cooperation also play an important role in the EU's international role. The European Security and Defence Policy: History, Structures and Capabilities Maria Raquel Freire 3. The Role of ESDP Operations Xymena Kurowska 4. Go-ahead for 13 new EU defence projects EU defence ministers gave the go-ahead Tuesday to an updated list of 13 new projects to be undertaken under the EU's new 'Permanent Structured Cooperation' defence structure (PESCO). The CSDP is framed by the Treaty on European Union (TEU). 3. The Police Mission EUPM in Bosnia, 2003-2005 Thomas M¿hlmann 5. Its role in the EU's support for international peace and security continues to grow. European foreign and security policy. The EU’s joint foreign and security policy, designed to resolve conflicts and foster international understanding, is based on diplomacy and respect for international rules. European Council Guidelines 1/ 29 April 2017: The European Council stands ready to establish a partnership in the field of security, defence and foreign policy. The EU Military Operation in Bosnia Thomas Bertin 6.