The Episcopal Church (TEC) is a member church of the worldwide Anglican Communion and is based in the United States with additional dioceses elsewhere. As a result, a "woman might find herself regarded as a priest in some, but not all, of the dioceses of the church - or as a bishop in most, but not all, of the parishes in her own diocese." The term is derived from the Latin for "rule." All female priest are to be addressed as Mother.

By Flora Keshgegian Jesus said; “call no man father on earth, for you have one Father, the one in heaven” (Matthew 23:9).
In the Episcopal Church, I go by 'Father' - the traditional title for ordained clergy in our denomination.

The rector is the ecclesiastical authority of the parish. I used to take part in a Bible study group where one of the regulars (an elderly black lady) would call the rector (also a woman) and the honorary assistant (a man) Reverend Surname. Typically, a rector is the priest in charge of a self-supporting parish, and a vicar is the priest in charge of a supported mission.

– male priests are still often called “Father.” the Episcopal Church, I go by 'Father', because I am a priest.

Yet, in the Episcopal Church, which has ordained women as priests for more than 40 years – 40 years! There is no other title due more respect than the. I kind of like that.

Since I am an Episcopal priest, I use a clergy title - for me, it is 'Father' You don't have to call me ' Father ' Here are 4 important concepts I draw …

ones called Mother. We have one parishioner, a former United Church member, who curiously calls male priests Reverend Lastname, but female priests Mother Lastname. If High Church call him Father.

If Broad Church or Low Church call him or her Reverend or Pastor.

You can ask if the priest is rector or vica r in the parish and call him or her that.

... Lots of people don't know what to call a female priest, minister, or pastor. X Research source If you believe you may be called to the priesthood, or if people have suggested that you consider ordination, the Episcopal Church offers a process to help you to explore that call. Some Episcopal priests are called Presbyter and some like to be called by their first names and some like to be called Doctor if they have that degree Priests in the Episcopal Church are called to ordination by God, and the call is confirmed by the church in a discernment process with the prospective candidate for ordination. It is a mainline Christian denomination divided into nine provinces.The presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church is Michael Bruce Curry, the first African-American bishop to serve in that position. 2 As of late 1997, four dioceses still resisted: Eau Claire (WI), Fort Worth (TX), Quincy (IL), and San Joaquin (CA). **If a Male Priest is called 'Father' what do you call a Female Priest? There are lots of reasons why. The priest in charge of a parish. A female priest should be called Mother. Click the image to read the article.

Have a … Mother Hypatia daughter of Theon. What do you call a female priest?