Different Types of Skills When you're adding skills to your resume or reviewing the skills required for a job you're interested in, there are two types of skills that are relevant. For each skill that you list on your resume, scale it up using the competencies proficiency scale: Beginner - You are just starting to learn or have not practiced the skill through experience (usually fresh graduates that only understand concepts through theories or classroom experience) What job skills to put on a resume to land an interview. Creativity. How to detect what skills employers look for and how to list them on your resume. Management. Let's start with those. Customer Service. As well as providing a history of your experience, your resume is the perfect place to highlight your skills, strengths, and abilities. Not unless you know how to put skills on your resume to good use. What are the best examples of skills to list on a resume? Interpersonal Communication. There are two basic types of skill-sets that a job seeker can have and include on their resume, and those are either hard skills or soft skills.Hard skills are the skills or abilities for a resume that are easily quantifiable…that can be learned through classroom work, apprenticeships or other forms of learning. Critical Thinking. This guide will show you: Why you must absolutely nail your resume skills to get hired. Often, employers pay special attention to the skills section of your resume to determine if you should move on to the next step of the hiring process. Communication. Top In-Demand Skills for Resumes: Examples . The best job skills to put on a resume include: Active Listening. Decision Making. 50+ examples of skills for resumes. The skills section of your resume shows employers you have the abilities required to succeed in the role. Organization. Adaptability. Soft skills!
