Concert Photography Metering Mode. Thanks Paul. You can think of Partial Metering as “expanded” spot metering, because the area that is metered is specific, but not tiny (roughly 10% of the viewfinder versus 2.3% of the viewfinder for spot metering mode). Take a moment and imagine a landscape.

Trying to decide which metering mode to use when photographing a wedding is a bit of a pain. Thanks very much for any help. Picture all the diverse and juxtaposed areas of … Best metering mode for Weddings. Reading the entire scene but biassing exposure for the brightest areas. Metering Modes for Landscape Photography. Partial metering is best used when your subject is overly backlit and you want to get a quality exposure of the subject.

What is the best metering mode for sports? It doesn’t help that there are four different modes to choose from, …

It seems to me that Partial Metering might the best one for me to normally use in photographing birds. I set my camera on matrix metering mode.

This metering mode acts as a combination of Matrix and Spot. Here we look at the three main metering modes, and find out which is the best concert photography metering mode. I would be interested in learning what metering modes other photographers on this forum are using and why. Center weighted metering mode is arguably the best metering mode for shooting weddings. Let me elaborate why. In most situations, when shooting weddings, you are faced with portrait opportunities. I shoot in Matrix metering, which is the same as Canons evaluative. This works best for me because it’s more predictable when using any auto exposure modes such as shutter priority or auto-ISO. Highlight-weighted Metering: Although I generally use Matrix Metering, it’s sometimes useful to have Highlight-weighted Metering quickly to hand. Metering Mode. I recommend using evaluative metering mode for sports, because it tends to give consistently good exposures, especially when you have moving subjects. The way I have always thought about this type of metering is an average. Best Metering mode for Birds in flight Feb 26, 2007 There are 3 choices on the 350D 1.Evaluative- the most common used 2.Partial 3.Centrewighted. Any will do, but imagine it in some detail.

Matrix metering mode, or evaluative metering as it is sometimes referred to, considers the largest portion of the scene when metering the light. A face, either brightly or under-lit. Matrix metering.

I shoot Nikon but the same applies. What is your best option for action shots. The sunlight, the shadows, the bright reflections off the water, the sun itself, the dark mountains. Light is an all-pervasive factor in concert photography, often forcing you to make snap judgments about exposure. While your camera might have a number of different Metering Modes such as Spot Metering, Center-Weighted Metering and Matrix / Evaluative Metering, for most situations it is best to default to Matrix / Evaluative Metering, because it takes the whole scene into account and typically does a better job at exposing your subjects. Best Metering Mode.