Other animal based products such as pelts were reserved for priests and eventually were adopted by only the highest class of ancient Egyptian citizenry. Uses of Ancient Egyptian Magic. These forces could come from demons, angry gods, or even people using black magic and curses.

Hair was washed and scented, and sometimes lightened with henna. a. The clothing of the people in Biblical times was made from wool, linen, animal skins, and perhaps silk.Most events in the Old and New Testament take place in ancient Israel, and thus most Biblical clothing is ancient Hebrew clothing.They wore underwear and cloth skirts. Every temple was a home to an Egyptian god or gods. What type of clothes did most of the Ancient Egyptians wear? The high ranking priests wore sashes, probably with gold ornaments similar to the ones the Pharaoh used, and a leopard skin.

Deity and Royals were the top class followed by the wealthy and highly ranked officials, then common people and farmers or workers, and finally slaves. Clothes in Egypt reflected two main things: Desert climate and social status. Priest in Ancient Egypt. Priests were responsible for pleasing the gods.

The Shinto priest in Japan distinguishes the male and female clothing like the Egyptians. Another issue that relates to this very topic of Egyptian priestesses is the African nature of ancient Egyptian culture.

Egyptian fashion was practical, simple, and, for most of the population, the same kind of outfit worn by a woman was worn by a man. Usually children did not wear any clothes because of the hot and dry weather. Only a priest who had cleansed himself could have entered the sanctuary. Egyptian Society was divided into classes. the statue was housed in a Sanctuary. The leopard was considered a sacred animal, personification of the ancient sky-Goddess Mafdet. So, what did pharaohs wear? They men wore breechcloths and the women skirts and blouses made from animal skins. Ancient Egyptian Women often wore the plain white gown or sheath dress commonly depicted in ancient Egyptian art. Temple Priest's played a important role in the Egyptian religion. 1. A Temple priest's main job was to take care of the god. The ancient Egyptians believed that there are evil forces that could do harm and damage. Perhaps the spots on the skin reminded the Ancient Egyptians of stars. The Egyptian elite hired hairdressers and took great care of their hair. Only nobles could hold government posts; in these positions they profited from tributes paid to the pharaoh. The Egyptians believed the gods lived in the temples. b. The role of the priest was very important in Egyptian Society. Deity and Royals were the top class followed by the wealthy and highly ranked officials, then common people and farmers or workers, and finally slaves. The headdress seems to have been strongly linked to the attributes of the particular deity, giving the Egyptians a visual clue as to the powers of the god or goddess. Only the priest was allowed to enter the sacred area of the temple and approach the statue representing the god or goddess. The ancient Egyptian deities tended to each have a distinctive headdress, which can often be used to tell the gods and goddesses apart. c. Both the men and women wore white cotton robes. So, what did pharaohs wear? Hairstyles. Egypt has a wonderful and beautiful history of hair styling. Both wore baggy trousers with a tunic, robe, and sash on top. Egyptian priests devoted their lives to the gods and goddesses and some official gods like Horus, Bastet and Amun were worshiped by the pharaoh and priests in large temples. The upper-class women in the Old Kingdom of Egypt (c. 2613-2181 BCE) wore longer dresses which covered their breasts, but the women of the lower classes would have worn the same simple kilt as their fathers, husbands, and sons. Upper-class Egyptians would regularly wear perfumed wigs and false beards of human hair, and even lower-class citizens would don faux extensions made of vegetable fiber. The Hindu priest uses the same kind of robe, a turban with an insignia on the front, and also a necklace much like the ancient Egyptian. But the most common uses were: Protection. Appearance, looks, beauty, and hair were major aspects of ancient Egyptian times, clearly seen by the creative and beautiful ways that ancient Egyptians did their hair. A priest or priestess is a religious leader authorized to perform the sacred rituals of a religion, especially as a mediatory agent between humans and one or more deities.

The women wore patterned skirts and blouses and the men wore white shorts. The priests, viziers and certain officials wore long white robes that had a strap over one shoulder, and sem-priests (one of the ranks in the priesthood) wore leopard skins over their robes. Linen is light, strong and flexible which made it ideal for life in the warm climate, [3] where abrasion and heat would wear and tear at clothing. They also have the authority or power to administer religious rites; in particular, rites of sacrifice to, and propitiation of, a deity or deities. An analysis of the foods listed in hieroglyphic inscriptions on temple walls showed the meals offered to the gods were laden with saturated fat. When a god decided to take a temporary, earthly dwelling within a statue, the priests should wash the statue, dress it, and serve it the best delicious food.