That means they may work to fit in with others and hide their psychopathic tendencies which can make them difficult to spot. Growing up with a female Psychopath sister/girlfriends & a bully mother. i hated woman, mind you i am female. Psychopaths must keep their true nature concealed for them to control, deceive, and manipulate the people around them. I was married to the “perfect” man … until I found out he was leading a double life. In fact, studies show that young female psychopaths are likely to have come from dysfunctional home lives. Spotting the Signs of a Psychopath. Most psychopaths appear just like you and me—only they’re especially charismatic. The perpetrator carrying out the victimisation can be a parent or the child’s peers. However, women psychopaths do exist. This thinking made me see all man as angels, BLINDLY! Only to make you fall into their elaborate traps. I know. More men than women have this diagnosis.

Nevertheless, the vast majority of psychopaths (more than 90%) have had some … And the warning signs that a malignant narcissist may be exploiting you to serve their interests at the expense of your health and wellbeing? My father is a very sweet & innocent person.

The word psychopath might evoke the image of a serial killer or fictionalized villain, but knowing these psychopathic signs can help you notice if you’re dealing with one on a daily basis. There are signs of a psychopath to help you sort out who you’re dealing with. On the other hand, young male psychopaths are more likely to have been victimised at an early age. Signs of a psychopath

Remember, psychopaths are typically in touch with reality and know who they are and what they're doing. Skilled actors and fakers, they do what they can to gain your trust. So because of that i taught that most women are evil & all of the men are innocent. so i dated almost every shade of male Psychopaths each one them about more then one round. Technically, to receive an ASPD diagnosis, you have to be 18 years of age. Victimisation.