This descriptive study of dermatoscopic characteristics of nail lichen planus would highlight some key changes in the course of the disease that will contribute to early diagnostic suspicion, early treatment, and could improve prognosis. In majority cases nail LP is not linked with skin or mucosal LP but patient with nail lichen planus have chances of development of severe and early destruction of nail matrix [39]. Clinically, major features were onychorrhexis (92.3%), longitudinal melanonychia (74.3%) and nail bed erythema (54%). It recurs often, in about 20% of patients, and it may linger for years, particularly oral lichen planus. It has different variants based on the morphology of the lesions and the site of involvement. Lichen planus (LP) is a chronic inflammatory disorder that most often affects middle-aged adults. They may result from dental restorative materials or metal allergy. Approximately 10% adult patients with cutaneous lichen planus have nail abnormalities [40]. It is characterized by polygonal, flat-topped, violaceous papules and plaques with overlying, reticulated, fine white scale (Wickham's striae), commonly affecting dorsal hands, flexural wrists and forearms, trunk, anterior lower legs and oral mucosa. In majority cases nail LP is not linked with skin or mucosal LP but patient with nail lichen planus have chances of development of severe and early destruction Interestingly, the nail sometimes returns to its normal condition, months after the withdrawal of the offending agents. Lichen planus is a self-limited disease that usually resolves within 12-18 months. Different clinical appearances such as Yellow nail syndrome and Lichen planus or lichenoid reactions can originate from close or identical etiologies. Lichen planus (LP) is a chronic inflammatory and immune-mediated disease that affects the skin, nails, hair, and mucous membranes. Background Lichen planus limited to the nail is uncommon, and information about its long-term prognosis is lacking. Oral lichen planus (OLP) is the mucosal counterpart of cutaneous LP. Most common clinical variant of lichen planus seen was oral LP (51%), with isolated nail involvement in 29%. Lichen planus (LP) is a chronic mucocutaneous disorder of the stratified squamous epithelium that affects oral and genital mucous membranes, skin, nails, and scalp.

It is derived from the Greek word "leichen0" means tree moss and Latin word "planus" means flat. Nail Lichen Planus (NLP) During 5 th and 6 decay of life, nail lichen planus appeared [39]. Approximately 10% adult patients with cutaneous lichen planus have nail abnormalities [40]. Mild cases can be treated with fluorinated topical steroids. LP can involve the skin or mucous membranes including the oral, vulvovaginal, esophageal, laryngeal, and conjunctival mucosa. Conclusion Considering that nail lichen planus is an underdiagnosed disease with severe consequences, early diagnosis is essential. Lichen planus usually leaves hypertrophic scars and dark brown postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. During 5th and 6th decay of life, nail lichen planus appeared [39].