Scratch resistance: Because of the interlocked grain structure, it is very prone to scratches. Abbott Chunky Leg Coffee Table Pottery Barn, Skogsta Bench Ikea, What Is Acacia Furniture? (With Picture), Use Acacia Wood Durability Outdoors Acacia is an attractive and durable hardwood which is most of the times used to make outdoor furniture. Its different color and grain pattern make it more unique and matchless. This has a great deal to do with its grain, which is said to be "flame-like" in appearance. There are more than a thousand different varieties of Acacia tree. If it is properly Cared and finished with the weatherproof finish, it can last for years to come. It comes in handy when your making outdoor furniture. Tough and durable: This wood’s primary advantage is its durability.
Acacia (Locust) Many varieties of acacia (or locust) grow around the world and are renowned for their long-term, outdoor durability. The hardwood that is derived from the tree is suitable for building long-lasting items of furniture and homewares. However, acacia wood durability isn’t quite on par with teak, shorea, or even eucalyptus. Eucalyptus Wood Eucalyptus can be used in all types of constructions whether light or heavy. Whereas, Birchwood is a good choice for furniture too.

Acacia is beautiful a hard natural wood that is ideal for flooring type of the construction as it offers superb durability. When thinking about materials for outdoor furniture, acacia makes the most sense if you want something rather inexpensive and are not terribly concerned about its potential lifespan. The wood can actually change its colour when different light is shone on it. Acacia wood is a type of wood that is derived from the Australian-native Acacia trees and shrubs, which are now also found in Asia, the Pacific Islands, Africa and parts of the Americas. The wood has the highest resistance to the dents and scratches hence best for the families that have kids as well as pets. It has properties that make it an attractive wood when it is finished and built into fine furniture. Acacia Wood Table Durability. This doesn’t mean it is a bad choice though. Acacia is prized in furniture making for its durability and for its appearance. Locust fence posts are often the last thing standing long after the fence itself is gone. Being naturally hard, acacia wood flooring does not suffer any damage when used regularly. Acacia woods durability means it won’t get scratched easily.

This is a big benefit when making coffee tables out of Acacia wood. Durability: Babul and Australian Blackwood are the top Acacia wood types used for furniture with a Janka Hardness rating of 2300 and 1160 respectively which makes it have a life of about 40 years. It’s also not an easy wood for bugs to chew into because of how hard it is. No matter which you go with, the lingering sweet fragrance of acacia wood will follow you wherever in your house you lay acacia hardwood flooring.
Acacia’s water resistance means the wood won’t warp or buckle and is resistant to fungus and mold growth.