Matomo aggregates this data to provide detailed web analytics reports about your visitors, page views, referrer information, search engine keywords, Ecommerce, campaigns and much more! tMVck9y4mc.jpg 1210×153 17.6 KB It has two different hosting options - cloud and on-premise. It has two different hosting options - cloud and on-premise. By default, on the last page view of any visit, Matomo counts the “Time spent on page” as 0 second. Once another page was viewed a new unique ID should be generated. Use [0-9a-Z] as possible characters for the unique ID.

If you set 100, the activities will always be recorded when someone views this page.

I thought, they should be the same…what aspect am I missing here?

Can I get the data from the Matomo API web services and publish, reuse, … As well as tracking via the Javascript file, you can also import web server access logs into Matomo…

Matomo (formerly Piwik) is the #1 open-source web analytics platform, used on over 1.4 million websites in over 190 countries. If you're using Tag Manager to implement your Matomo Analytics Tracking, then in your Single Page Application, whenever there is a new page loaded in your app you will need your Matomo Tag to be triggered for the Page view to be tracked.

Matomo values privacy protection, 100% data ownership and no data sampling. I’m new to Matomo and I’m trying to integrate page view tracking into my single-page website in React, and I haven’t managed to get it to work. This page is intended to show all the UI components and styles available to use in Matomo. Does Matomo work on high traffic websites? Matomo Issues Page 144. In some rare cases, a visitor’s browser will not let the Matomo Tag request …

Matomo values privacy protection, 100% data ownership and no data sampling.

It tracks online visits to one or more websites and displays reports on these visits for analysis. I’m following the guide here Single-Page Application Tracking: Integrate - Matomo Analytics (formerly Piwik Analytics) - Developer Docs - v3 but the hash change listening function isn’t working.

Matomo (formerly Piwik) is the #1 open-source web analytics platform, used on over 1.4 million websites in over 190 countries. Hi there, I am looking to use Piwik as the analytics solution for a large number of websites and mobile websites at a national ISP and my page views will likely be in excess of 250 million per month. Using a Twig template to generate your page is optional: you can also generate any content by returning a string in your controller action. Unique Views. If you set it to 10, only in 10% of all page views the activities will be actually recorded. The template above is extending the dashboard template: the logo and the top menu will be included in your page. You may use one decimal, eg 0.1 for 0.1% of all page views. Page views; Returning users; Returning visitors; Revenue; Searches; Unique downloads; Unique outlinks; Unique page views; Unique returning visitors; Unique visitors; Unique users; ... Is the plugin active for all Matomo users in my instance ?

Matomo, formerly Piwik (pronounced / ˈ p iː w iː k /), is a free and open source web analytics application developed by a team of international developers, that runs on a PHP/MySQL webserver. Matomo (Piwik) provides two reports for your page views: Page Titles and Page URLs. What is the performance like with millions of pages views per month? Can I customize the Matomo logo and favicon in the reports, emails and login screen? If you use Google Analytics for your business or organization website, you will find that it provides various reports.