Stronger urban governance. Effective financing. UNDP demonstrated its full support to the implementation of the New Urban Agenda with the official launch of its Sustainable Urbanization Strategy. The Urban Agenda for the EU will not initiate new regulation, but will be regarded as an informal contribution to the design of future and revision of existing EU regulation, in order for it to better reflect urban needs, practices and responsibilities.

New Urban Agenda must make these connections, and suggest four specific ways in which it could achieve greater coherence and inclusivity. States, local authorities, intergovernmental and civil society organisations can use this opportunity to collectively develop urban policies that reflect this narrative. PDF | On Mar 15, 2016, David Satterthwaite and others published Editorial: A new urban agenda? Dieser Trend, so Clos, führe zu einer Verknappung öffentlicher Räume und einer ineffizienten Zersiedlung, die letztlich in unproduktiven Städten resultiere. the New Urban Agenda in the issue area of food, nutrition and sustainable food systems. New Urban Agenda in the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development - Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador, in October 2016. Urban Age-Konferenz ... Joan Clos stellte die Prinzipien der „New Urban Agenda“ der UN-Habitat III vor, die dem globalen Trend der ungeplanten und ungelenken Urbanisierung entgegenwirken möchte. Major shifts: -From a shelter and Zslums focus in the global South to all urban areas globally. The New Urban Agenda is an action oriented 24-page document that provides the global principles, policies and standards required to achieve sustainable urban development, to transform the way we construct, manage, operate and live in our cities. In October 2016, the New Urban Agenda was unanimously adopted at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III), serving as a new vision for our cities and municipalities for the next 20 years. New Urban Agenda. Implementing the New Urban Agenda” at the 9th World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur. The adoption of the New Urban Agenda in Quito will bring in a new narrative on urban migration that centres on promoting migrants’ inclusion in cities and upholding their rights. This white paper is a contribution to the World Urban Forum series sponsored by the Penn Institute for Urban Research and the Perry World House of the University of Pennsylvania presented for discussion at the World Urban Forum. To be adopted at Habitat 3 in October. der New Urban Agenda sind für uns besonders wichtig, nämlich zum einen lebens-werte Städte für Menschen zu schaffen und zum anderen Städte als Entwicklungsak-teure anzuerkennen und zu befähigen. The Habitat III conference in 2016 presented this document as an extension to Agenda 2030, promoting four mechanisms for implementation: National urban policies for integrated systems of cities. The New Urban Agenda was adopted by the UN heads of government at Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador, in October 2016, symbolizing the UN’s recognition of urbanization as a permanent driver of development with potentially positive impacts on people and the planet. Organizing for implementation: Two paragraphs in the Means of Implementation are critical to operationalize the support and commitment in earlier sections of the NUA. The world is experiencing an unprecedented transition from predominantly rural to mainly urban living, with more than 55 percent of the world's population already living in urban areas and this figure is set to rise to 70 percent by the middle of Diese beiden Ziele werden vor dem Hinter-grund der weltweit zunehmenden Urbanisierung, Digitalisierung und Vernetzung künftig von zentraler Bedeutung werden. It recognises the need to avoid potential bottlenecks and minimise administrative burdens for Urban Authorities.
Spelt out in the New Urban Agenda (NUA) 23p A UN process led by UN Habitat, negotiated through: regional representatives; policy experts; Habitat 3 bureau – 10 member states; stakeholders.