Every time we've had the problem though, the server service is hung. By default, SMB 1.0 support is still enabled in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. I've never waited to see if it would restart and simply rebooted the server. In most cases, it is required to the legacy systems, such as no longer supported Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and older OSs.In the event that there are no such clients left on your network, it’s better to disable SMB 1.x or remove the driver SMB1 completely. How to gracefully remove SMB v1 in Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019 PowerShell methods SMB v1 (client and server) Detect: Get-WindowsFeature FS-SMB1 Disable: Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName smb1protocol Enable: Installation: Always installed: Service is installed on Windows Server 2016 Core and Windows Server 2016 with Desktop Experience.Only with Desktop Experience: Service is on Windows Server 2016 with Desktop Experience, but is not installed on Server Core. The reason you don’t want to use SMB 1 Is because Is an old protocol that doesn’t Include the latest security features.

What's New in SMB. Server Message Block overview. We do see SMB negotiate problems and i have a capture of it. We try to restart the server service, but it timesout.

Restarting a Windows server is very simple, especially via the GUI. Windows Server 2016 comes with SMB 3.1.1 (Server Message Block) which Includes the latest security and performance features, however, it also has SMB 1 enabled by defaults.

There are a couple of different ways this can be done, including mapping a network drive or adding a network location, which we’ll discuss here. Restart the Windows File Sharing Service to fix weird problems September 23rd, 2011 Every once in a while I get this annoying problem where I can't a access my windows shares from other computers on the network, and the only way to get it it to work again is to restart windows. As this was last needed in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 it’s quite old, newer versions of SMB are more secure and have additional features. However, even if you are having issues with the GUI or need to restart a server remotely – this guide on How to Restart Windows Server 2016 can help. Windows Server 2012 R2 & 2016: PowerShell methods (Remove-WindowsFeature FS-SMB1) Windows 8.1 and Windows 10: Add or Remove Programs method How to gracefully remove SMB v1 in Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 2012 R2, and Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016: Server Manager method for disabling SMB. The reboot its self is actually quick. Here we’re going to show you how to mount an NFS file share in Windows Server 2016 both temporarily and persistently so that it will automatically mount after a reboot. Service name: Key (internal) name of the service: Description: The service's description, from sc.exe qdescription.