This ticket looks like a usage question, please post it to the Sinon.JS mailinglist, so the bigger community can help answer your questions. Dependency sinon Current Version 4.1.6 Type devDependency The version 4.2.0 is not covered by your current version range. alias from angular.mock.module(...); mockModule. Sinon.JS did not seem to offer one for built versions of the file, so I used the URL of the current release (v1.12.2 at the time I wrote this post). or via sinon's browser builds available for download on the homepage. If you don’t accept this pull request, your project will work just like it did before.

Instead of using Sinon.JS's assertions:

32 Versions; Sinon.JS Assertions for Chai. Installing Sinon.JS Using Release URLs. L'avantage d'utiliser les assertions est que les attentes échouées sur les talons et les espions peuvent être exprimées directement sous forme d'échecs d'assertions avec des messages d'erreur détaillés et utiles. If you feel that your topic is an issue with Sinon.JS, please open a new ticket and follow the guidelines for reporting an issue. i using sinon 2.4.1

If you need to support very old runtimes that have incomplete support for ES5.1 you might get away with using loading es5-shim in your test environment. $ cnpm install sinon . Run tests against multiple versions of Node.js without switching versions manually or pushing to Travis CI.


Ces documents proviennent d'une ancienne version de sinon. However, you might be missing out on a bunch of new features, fixes and/or performance improvements from the dependency update. Categories; About; Feedback; Login Overview; Documentation; Tutorials; Dependencies; Contributors; Versions; @types/sinon. Usage. SYNC missed versions from official npm registry.. Sinon.JS Standalone and test framework agnostic JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks (pronounced "sigh-non", named after Sinon, the warrior).. Better docs? There are also npm based CDNs one can use. Sinon.JS ships with a set of assertions that mirror most behavior verification methods and properties on spies and stubs. Voulez-vous les latest documents? Node.js LTS versions There should not be any issues with using Sinon v9.0.2 in newer versions of the same runtimes. Full version history for @types/sinon including change logs You get all the benefits of Chai with all the powerful tools of Sinon.JS. Sinon JS is a popular JavaScript library that lets you replace complicated parts of your code that are hard to test for “placeholders,” so you can keep your unit tests fast and deterministic, as they should be. Join our growing community to review open-source packages and share your insights with other developers. example - Mocking JavaScript constructor with Sinon.JS sinon stub promise (2) Since sinon.createStubInstance has been removed from latest versions of Sinon, I would suggest stubbing individual instance methods on the prototype, to achieve the desired effect. Full version history for @types/sinon including change logs. Version 4.2.0 of sinon was just published. Feedback; Welcome to OpenBase. using sinon.restore() works, but give me message. AnyModel.findById = sinon.restore() // sinon.restore is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.

Sinon.JS est livré avec un ensemble d’assertions qui reflètent la plupart des méthodes de vérification du comportement et les propriétés des espions et des talons. Matchers. See the sinon project homepage for documentation on usage. Normally if I don’t find the package I need in Bower, I try to use a Git endpoint. AngularJS unit test helpers loadModule. I needed standalone version of sinon.js so that it could be used in a client-side project that manages dependencies via npm. Sinon.JS 7 . Connect with. GitHub. Sinon–Chai provides a set of custom assertions for using the Sinon.JS spy, stub, and mocking framework with the Chai assertion library. example - Mocking JavaScript constructor with Sinon.JS sinon stub promise (2) Since sinon.createStubInstance has been removed from latest versions of Sinon, I would suggest stubbing individual instance methods on the prototype, to achieve the desired effect. Categories; About; Search for packages.

If you have questions that are not covered by the documentation, you can check out the sinon tag on Stack Overflow or drop by #sinon.js on loadtest 6.2 6.4 Sinon.JS VS loadtest