(Page 115) When Sodapop says this, we realize how much Ponyboy means to Soda and we feel sympathetic towards him and his brothers because of what they have been through. Ponyboy and Darry are fighting as usual, and Sodapop runs out, upset. Soda was dating Sandy until she cheated on him and became pregnant with someone elses child. Described as 'movie-star' handsome, Soda's hair is long and is a dark golden color that lightens in the summer. FORUMS. The Outsiders Official Website Discussion Forum > Movie Discussion and Questions > THE OUTSIDERS: The Complete Novel > Commentaries > Were You Sad At What Rob Lowe Said About Sodapop? He's a little shorter than Ponyboy's oldest brother, Darry.
NOTIFICATIONS. But we didn’t get any anyway. Soda(pop) Patrick Curtis Ponyboy's 16-going-on-17-year-old brother.He is a high school dropout and works at … Important quotes by Sodapop in The Outsiders. Sodapop Patrick Curtis is the middle child in the Curtis Family.

Soda told Ponyboy “The doctors told us we were going to end up in the hospital ourselves if we didn’t get some sleep.

A closely moderated place for fans to discuss all things of S.E.
Hinton was 18 when the book was published. In The Outsiders, Ponyboy shares that Sodapop, or Soda, is 'handsomer' than anyone he knows. DISCUSSIONS. Hintons literary works and movies.

Working his job at the DX gasstation due to dropping out of school, he attempts to provide financially for his family. The Outsiders is a coming-of-age novel by S. E. Hinton, first published in 1967 by Viking Press.Hinton was 15 when she started writing the novel but did most of the work when she was 16 and a junior in high school. When Darry and Ponyboy reach Sodapop, Sodapop explains why he took off. The Outsiders Official Website Discussion Forum. MESSAGES. Ponyboy Michael Curtis A 14-year-old boy who is the narrator and main character in The Outsiders.His parents have been killed in an automobile accident, and he lives with his two brothers. In the book he is discribed as very handsome and happy-go-lucky.