Sadly Buckley is too much of a hack to realize something more than "HITLER JOKE" Loss will never die.

hi-im-the-g-mail-icon reblogged this from day-gaunts.


Tim Buckley has finally surpassed Loss.

jackelopeshop liked this THE ORIGINAL LOSS DOESN’T EXIST ANYMORE. I remember seeing an Obama version, wish I could find it. Join. May 27, 2011 20,585 0 0 Austin, TX. $1. The loss of a child is a loss like no other.

Jan 19, 2015 9,008 0 0 Manchester, England. Select a membership level.

Click to expand... R. Razmos Member.

Without using any dialogue, "Loss" follows main character Ethan through his confusing, panic-filled journey through a hospital and toward the discovery that his girlfriend, Lilah, has suffered a miscarriage.

Tim Buckley is president and chief executive officer of Vanguard. Security We do everything possible to protect your personal data against any form of loss, misappropriation, intrusion, disclosure, alteration or destruction through the use of multiple identification. If you pledge $1 a month, you will have my undying thanks. The Luna Moth The Tim Buckley Project 2019-07-17T07:37:16-04:00

Previously, he was Vanguard's chief investment officer, overseeing the company's internally managed stock, bond, and money market portfolios as well as its investment research and methodology. Tim Buckley is creating Comics. THIS IS REAL. As with Tim Buckley's entire career, this CD will go relatively unnoticed, but that is much more a loss to potential fans of Buckley's work than anyone else. Jul 19, 2017 #257 Toni Codrea said: A tri-weekly webcomic about video games and gamers since 2002! I'm surprised this never picked up steam

If you enjoy the work I do, this is a great way to support a month's worth of comics, especially if you use adblock while browsing the website. As others said, this is a joke that can work but in better hands.

I literally screamed .

found. T. Timeaisis Member. 9. In June 2008, Tim Buckley, webcomic artiste, published the most famous four-panel comic in the history of the internet: "Loss." Greetings from Tim Buckley streaming , ... (data loss, etc.). 18,072 notes // 10:32 PM // REBLOG.

10 years next year.

per month. #cad #ctrl alt del #tim buckley #loss #it's called.