What was the significance of viet cong… . Wiki User. Ses objectifs initiaux sont on ne peut plus clairs: bouter les Français en dehors d’Indochine et lutter contre l’invasion japonaise commencée en septembre 1940.

Over 35 towns and cities including 13 provincial capitals were seized and shockingly, the US embassy in Saigon was invaded. The television altered the war because: It brought the brutality of the war into people's living rooms. 2011-03-17 06:37:19 2011-03-17 06:37:19. Militarily, the Tet Offensive showed the significance of Vietcong/Vietminh’s military power and nowhere in South Vietnam was safe. Under the terms of the Accords, military personnel were order… The group was made up of people from both South and North Vietnam. See above answer. . Viet Cong strategy was: outlasting the American will to fight in Vietnam through traps and surprise attacks. Le Viet Cong – également connu comme Front national de libération du Sud Viêt Nam – est essentiellement une organisation de l’armée basée au Vietnam du Sud et dans certaines parties du Cambodge. « Quand j’ai amputé son bras, nos médecins l’ont pris, ont enlevé la chair, et l’ont réassemblé parfaitement avec des fils, et ils me l’ont donné », a expliqué le médecin. Made up of anyone that could fight. why-north vietnam supported viet cong (communists)-SV presidents actions drove many non-communists into an alliance w the communists-when war ended (1975) the two vietnams were united under communists rule. Independence Struggles in Southeast Asia … Soldiers suffered: Guerrilla Warfare Loss of fellow soldiers Lack of support at home. O'Brien describes a Viet Cong soldier whom he has killed, using meticulous physical detail, including descriptions of his wounds. He was summarily executed in Saigon during the Tet Offensive in the Vietnam War, when Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces launched a massive surprise attack. Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops occupied the walled fortress of Hue, Vietnam’s ancient capital, until they were finally driven out by U.S. and South Vietnamese forces on February 24. It showed American forces in Vietnam that the Viet Cong were a formidable enemy. It’s also interesting to note here that “Vietnamese Communists” is possibly something of misnomer, at least partially.

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The Viet Cong was a network of communist agents and subversives, supplied and controlled by North Vietnam but active within South Vietnam. Viet-Minh et Viet-Cong: voilà 2 termes que l’on a souvent tendance à confondre! -viet cong had successful guerrilla war against Diems army. Fearing that Vietnam would turn communist — just as China had done in 1949 — and that the contagion would spread to neighboring countries, the United States sent increasing numbers of "military … Overthrow the camouflaged colonial regime of the American imperialists and the dictatorial power of Ngo Dinh Diem, servant of the Americans, and institute a government of national democratic union. YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE... 20. The Vietcong used guerilla warfare, including terrorist bombings, assassinations, and ambushes. The group is best known for the Tet Offense, an assault on many South Vietnamese cities staged in … Related Questions. Signification du terme Viet Cong Le drapeau du Viet Cong, adopté en 1960, est une variation sur le drapeau du Vietnam du Nord. The turning point of Vietnam was: The Tet Offensive. What wad the significance of viet cong? Une ère nouvelle s'est substituée à la guerre froide : celle de la guerre asymétrique.