The Vietcong are portrayed as freedom fighters. The massacre at Hue is well known. were providing aid and comfort to the VC/NVA, whose deceitful propaganda was given undue credibility because of the actions of morons and sub-humanoid scum. They were traitors. It was described as an “everyday affair” during the Vietnam War by many US soldiers.

The Hidden Atrocities of the Vietnam War The communist regime prevented journalists from documenting its war crimes, leaving an unbalanced historical record … “Raping a Vietnamese woman became a hallmark of guerrilla ... Unbelievably these brutal atrocities were committed by “bored soldiers” and were often taken as a joke. Violence against the civilians of Vietnam by the American military was an intentional act of war and they acted with indifference to the destruction of noncombatants and to that of their property. This triggered a more than a decade-long conflict between the United States Armed Forces and the revolutionary First Philippine Republic under President Emilio Aguinaldo. Both sides killed innocent civilians caught up in the conflict. BIAS IN VIETNAM WAR ATROCITIES' REPORTS ... Those committing war crimes, atrocities, rapes, etc.

The Vietnam War was a nightmare for the people of Vietnam.

They shamed and vilified the uniform worn by better people than they. During Vietnam War, a series of horrible massacres occurred, which proved the felony of the United States and its allies in decimating innocent Vietnamese from adults to children.Typically, the massacres of My Lai, Hue, and Khmer Rouge were among the most severe ones during the war. We have heard of My Lai.

Vietnam War Atrocities' reports. "Vietnam War Crimes Working Group" – Briefly declassified (1994) and subsequently …

The actions of armies in war have seldom been as humane as the modern American military -- in the 20th Century alone there are boundless documented examples of horrific acts by the Germans, the Japanese and the Soviet Red Army in World War II, or by North Korea in the 1950s, and others later than that. Vietnam History Vietnam War Photos World History World War Vietnam War Photos World History World War Atrocities involves intention, total disregard of Geneva conventions, while collateral damage is coincidental and common in all wars.

The 1968 My Lai Massacre was one of the most horrific incidents of violence committed against unarmed civilians during the Vietnam War.

Researching post-traumatic stress disorder among Vietnam veterans, in 2001 I stumbled across a collection of war crimes investigations carried out by the military at the US National Archives. Next, see what the Vietnam War looked like for those who fought it in this CBS News footage that captured a battle in action in the jungles of Vietnam near Cambodia in March 1970: After viewing the Vietnam War photos above, have a look at two of the era's most iconic images: "Napalm Girl" and the Saigon execution . the Vietnam War. The documents are housed by the United States National … The images influenced the antiwar effort of protestors who did not understand the complexity of the Vietnam war, or comprehend the difference between collateral damage and atrocities. Atrocities During the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War Crimes Working Group Files is a collection of documents compiled by Pentagon in the early 1970s during Army investigations into atrocities by U.S. forces during the Vietnam War.