I do not contemn the knowledge of strange and divers tongues.



Stranger definition, a person with whom one has had no personal acquaintance: He is a perfect stranger to me. 2. Nearly obsolete. Not domestic; belonging to others. A "stranger," in the technical sense of the term, may be defined to be a person of foreign, i.e.

That strangers denote those who do not acknowledge the Lord, and are unwilling to acknowledge Him, whether they be out of the church or within it, thus who are in evils and in the falsities of evil, and in a sense abstracted from persons, that they are evils and the falsities of evil, is evident from many passages in the Word. The word “stranger” is sometimes used in the literal sense of a person not known or familiar, as when Jesus said, “A stranger they will not follow” , and “I was a stranger and you welcomed me” .

Who Is the Biblical Stranger, and What Should the Bible's Teaching Mean Today? non-Israelitish, extraction resident within the limits of the promised land. Foreign; belonging to anther country. KJV Dictionary Definition: strange strange. See more. The shifting historical meaning of “Thou shalt not oppress a stranger.” African asylum seekers, mostly from Eritrea, in Israel in 2017.

STRANGE, a. L. 1. So she impatient her own faults to see, turns from herself, and in strange things delights. This sense is nearly obsolete.