Home; About; Team “Woke” won’t work here. The Southern Baptist Convention said it had 14.5 million members in 2019, down about 287,655 from the previous year. On Thursday, May 23, 2019, the Southern Baptist Convention reported total membership for 2018 at 14.8 million, down about 192,000 from the previous year. The Southern Baptist Convention is the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S. Its 2021 annual meeting will be held June 15 to 16 in Nashville, where the convention is headquartered. Willie Thomas McPherson, who pastored.... in the 1970s in California and... was the first black divisional leader within the California Southern Baptist Convention, died May 12 in Wichita at the age of 80. Southern Baptists told their condemnation of racism isn’t enough; Told criticism of Beth Moore and David Platt is wrong. southern baptist convention Evangelical Leader Calls On Denomination To Retire Gavel Named For Slaveholder Southern Baptist Convention President J.D. Top Southern Baptist leader Ronnie Floyd … Formed in 1946 by the Southern Baptist Convention, and supported with Cooperative Program funds, Baptist Press (BP) is a daily (Monday-Friday) international news service.
Contractors were brought in to remove the word "Southern" from all SBC buildings and local SBC churches across the country in an attempt to distance them from problematic, toxic Dixieland. While every Christian should remain faithful to their local New Testament Church, no local New Testament Church can remain faithful to Jesus if it takes part in Southern Baptist wickedness.

Accuracy of the information relies upon regular, voluntary input from the churches and cooperating ministries, either via the Annual Church Profile, or directly, using the Update feature. The nation's largest Protestant denomination is reporting its twelfth year of declining memberships.

July 14, 2020 by William Thornton 17 Comments “Woke” is a dog whistle, a red flag signal; a brainless, thoughtless, mindless, vapid bit of freshman frat boy drivel. Greear gave his annual address virtually because the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting was canceled due to the Cornavirus Panic of 2020. NASHVILLE, TN—In a move to distance itself from the racist South, the Southern Baptist Convention announced today it would be removing the word "Southern" from its name. Southern Baptist Convention President J.D. Greear delivers an online address to his denomination, Tuesday, June 9, 2020, via Facebook Live.

By Diana Chandler, Baptist Press' general assignment writer/editor May 15, 2020.

The changes make it explicitly clear churches can get expelled from the Southern Baptist Convention over issues of sexual abuse. Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention in session in New Orleans, Louisiana, June 1982, express our support for the teaching of Scientific Creationism in our public schools.
The conservative-leaning and influential Mississippi Baptist Convention, part of the Southern Baptist Convention, announced its position Tuesday: Make a change.

Southern Baptist News & Opinion.

Greear called for members of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination to declare that “black lives matter.” (Vernon Bryant/The Dallas Morning News via AP, File) Greear says it's time to retire the Broadus gavel, named after a white supremacist preacher. (RNS) — In a speech offered in lieu of his address at the denomination’s canceled annual meeting, Southern Baptist Convention President J.D.