It is comprised of two main ideas. Zeitgeist, the movie did not make this up originally, you can find several places on the Internet that make such claims, but there are no sources or suggestions as to where this information came from.

Zeitgeist is well presented, albeit a rather amateur/low budget affair. The film begins (highly presumptiously) by contesting religion as a whole, linking astronomical events to the alleged 'fabricated' storytelling of jesus christ and the strange similarities with other 'mythologies' around the world at the time. Zeitgeist: The Movie is a 2007 film by Peter Joseph presenting a number of conspiracy theories. Actually, as per my experience over the past 6 years, most within The Zeitgeist Movement (TZM) do not subscribe or agree with this film in general, although mixed reactions are most common. The first compares the stories in the Bible to several from pagan mythology. The Zeitgeist movie (from the German meaning “spirit of the age” or literally “time” [Zeit] “spirit” [Geist]) claims that the Bible is based on astrology and the stars. The film assembles archival footage, animations, and narration. Essentially the video covers three areas of Interest: Part I, entitled "The Greatest Story Ever Told" evaluates Christian beliefs and asserts that it was all taken from pre-existing myths, primarily Egyptian mythology.

Zeitgeist, The Movie is a film that was released on Google Video in the spring of 2007 and was created by Peter Joseph. Zeitgeist: The Movie was created years before TZM was formed. Zeitgeist: The Movie is a 2007 film by Peter Joseph presenting a number of conspiracy theories. Zeitgeist: The Movie is a "documentary" by musician Peter Joseph. Released online on June 18, 2007, it soon received tens of millions of views on Google Video, YouTube, and Vimeo. Top Five “Zeitgeist The Movie” Myths! The film assembles archival footage, animations, and … 1) The Zeitgeist Movement is all about support of Zeitgeist: The Movie! Explore contrary perspectives on everyday cultural issues in this documentary devoted to mythology, belief, and conspiracy in society today.