Like us on facebook: Cookies im Internet genießen unter Internetnutzern keinen guten Ruf. Hierbei handelt es sich um persönliche Informationen und Einstellungen von besuchten Webseiten. The biggest population of Dougla peoples, second (and if not on par), with those in Trinidad and Tobago are those in Guyana. Indo-Guyanese and Afro-Guyanese make up half of the Guyanese population, and Douglas number 15% of the country's demographics.. you can't eat just five! Watch Queue Queue best cookie on the planet - for dessert, with cof fee, tea, in ice cream, make an ice cream sandwich, or to throw around the room. Bei Cookies handelt es sich um kleine Daten, die Ihr Browser automatisch speichert.

This video is unavailable. Just better. Dougla.

The word coolie, meaning a labourer, has a variety of other implications and is sometimes regarded as offensive or a pejorative, depending upon the historical and geographical context; in India, its country of origin, it is still considered a derogatory slur.It is similar, in many respects, to the Spanish term peón, although both terms are used in some countries with different implications.

Watch Queue Queue. See more. Quite the same Wikipedia. Coolie definition, an unskilled laborer, especially formerly in China and India.

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