The scapular is the apron-like part of the Dominican habit. The Third Order as it exists to-day can be divided into two categories: regular, i.e. candidacy II - three years. For a Lay Dominican, the scapular is two small squares of cloth joined by thin cords that you wear around your neck, one square in front and one square in back, under your shirt. Benedictine Oblates like me generally wear a Jubilee Medal, but some also wear a postage-stamp-sized black scapular, reflecting the black scapular and habit. I believe Lay Dominicans wear the largest, a white square of wool, perhaps 6 inches across. The new scapular that I finally acquired arrived in the mail just before I was about to leave for college—too late to bring to my local pastor, so late that I resolved to track down the first Dominican friar I saw when I got to Providence College. Dominican Nuns of Mount Thabor (Link here) - Dominican Laity Scapulars (large $20, small $5), Habits However, the Brown Scapular that the lay faithful wear is a miniature of the Carmelite Religious Habit, and since that Habit is brown in color, it has always been regarded as the proper color for the Scapular. comprising Tertiaries, whether men or women, who live in community and wear the habit externally; and secular, i.e. WE ARE THE LAY DOMINICANS “The Laity of St. Dominic are those faithful who, baptised in the Catholic Church or received into her, confirmed and in full communion of faith, sacraments and ecclesiastical governance, are called by a special vocation to progress in the Christian way of life and to animate temporal things through the charism of St. Dominic.” Lay Dominicans wear the largest, a white square of wool, perhaps 6 inches across. Benedictine Oblates like me generally wear a Jubilee Medal, but some also wear a postage-stamp-sized black scapular, reflecting the black scapular and habit. It is a very ancient as a part of monastic garb, being mentioned in chapter 15 of the Rule of Benedict as an item worn for manual labor. After learning the basics of Dominican spirituality, those who are interested in preparing to make promises to live a lay Dominican life are formally received into the Order and given a small Dominican scapular.
The Carmelite Order, to which the Scapular belongs, originated on Mt. In order to receive the promise, the Scapular must always be worn. 19. whether married or single, cleric or lay, who live their lives like others of their profession, but who privately take up practices of austerity, recite some liturgical Office, and wear some symbol of the Dominican habit. Must I always wear the Scapular or may I take it off? Lay Dominican Bookstore - Province of St. Joseph- Religious Goods Dominican Items Rosary Confraternity Rosaries (good deals), Dominican Pins, Books and Booklets, Children's Items, Dominican Authors, Holy Cards and Bookmarks, Medals . The Dominican Bookstore is an apostolate of the Lay Fraternities of St. …
The scapular is the apron-like part of the Dominican habit. It is a very ancient as a part of monastic garb, being mentioned in chapter 15 of the Rule of Benedict as an item worn for manual labor. However, black wool is permissible. Lay Dominicans wear the largest, a white square of wool, perhaps 6 inches across.

Now you complete a more formal course of study of the role of lay Dominicans in the Church, our Dominican saints and spirituality and our rule of life. The scapular (from Latin scapulae ... rather than keeping the former a separate item of their habit, while some, like the Dominican Order or Carmelites, wear it beneath another layer, like a shoulder cape or capuce (that is, the "hood").