Bad Nigahi ka 14 Nuqsanat Stations of Marifat. These are as follows: First Station: Repentance The first station is Tauba (repentance) which requires the seeker to keep turning After Haqiqat, Ma’rifat (Stations of Marifat) is realised. This entails recognition of the being & attributes of Allah (swt). Ma’rifat is also recognised & consists of ten stations:-First Station: One should respect & rever all wise and sagacious men known as the Friends of Allah. Tariqat is the pathway to Allah. [....] Shariat means the law which is necessary for the generality to observe, in order to harmonize with one's surroundings and one's self within. … Stations of Tariqat. Ma’rifat is also recognised & consists of ten stations:-First Station: One should respect & rever all wise and sagacious men known as the Friends of Allah. The Station of Haqiqat also also has ten key stations. Having travelled the path of Tariqat you will eventually arrive at the station of Haqiqat (Truth). Kahe Faqeer by Syed Sarfraz Shah pdf Syed Sarfraz Shah To travel on this path the successful Mureed is required to adorn and adopt certain qualities/stations.

After Haqiqat, Ma’rifat (Stations of Marifat) is realised. Ma’rifat is also recognised & consists of ten stations:-First Station: One should respect & rever all wise and sagacious men known as the Friends of Allah. Tariqat also comprises of 10 stations. Аслида, бу шариат↔тариқат↔маърифат↔ҳақиқат деган тўртта сўзнинг маъноси бир хил ва бир нарсанинг тўртта томони, тўртта ҳолати, тўрт жиҳатини билдиради, холос. Tariqat is the pathway to Allah. 7. This entails recognition of the being & attributes of Allah (swt). To travel on this path the successful Murid is required to adorn and adopt certain qualities/stations. Tariqat also comprises of 10 stations.

Stations of Marifat. These are as follows:-First Station: Humbleness Humility, humbleness, modesty, meekness, self-effacement and self-negation are the attributes of the Mureed. After Haqiqat, Ma’rifat (Stations of Marifat) is realised.
Download Kitab-e-Ma'rifat by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan pdf. This entails recognition of the being & attributes of Allah (swt).

given in four grades, namely Shariat, Tariqat, Haqiqat, and Marifat.

These are as follows: First Station: Repentance Bad Nigahi aur Ishq e Mijazi ki Tabahkariaan.