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Write. Learn. Sitting on the porch, Scout almost squashes a roly-poly. She is about to mash it with her hand when Jem tells her not to. To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 25-31. To Kill a Mockingbird - Chapter 25 Harper Lee. Scout, not the naive little girl anymore, finally understands the unfairness and segregation going on around her.

This chapter opens with Jem telling Scout not to kill a roly-poly that had found its way inside the house. He insists that the bug isn’t bothering Scout, so there’s no reason to kill it. He and Jem had been swimming and, as is customary, waved to a car for a ride home. Jem and Dill ask for a ride, and although hesitant at first, Atticus finally agrees to let them come along. Sweet_Davis. Like the mockingbird, the roly-poly bug is a symbol of innocence. STUDY. Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter Summary.

Jem says that the bug never did anything to her, so she shouldn’t kill it.
Things have eventually normalized at the Maycomb County. Summary: Chapter 25 September has begun and Jem and Scout are on the back porch when Scout notices a roly-poly bug. Book: To Kill a Mockingbird.

Gravity. To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 25. a) What does Dill and Jem see Atticus and Calpurnia doing? Why does Jem not want Scout to kill the roly poly? Jem had convinced Atticus to let them accompany him to Helen Robinson’s house, where they saw her collapse even before Atticus could say that her husband, Tom, was dead. Mr. Dolphus Raymond reveals that he is drinking from a paper sack. Access Full Document. Scout heeds his request and carefully takes the bug outside, noting internally that if anything, Jem is becoming more like a lady than she is.

The incident underscores the theme that thoughtless actions and/or deliberate cruelty can cause the destruction of innocent creatures, a concept that is most clearly illuminated by the death of Tom Robinson. When she asks why not, he says the bug didn't do anything to her. Jem stops her, explaining that the defenseless bug had done nothing to her. This section contains 169 words (approx. Jem stops her, saying the bug never did anything to harm her. They hide in the back of Atticus's pickup truck. Atticus finds them on the way home from swimming and they beg to go. cathyhan01. To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 25 Questions and Answers by Harper Lee. Chapter 25 Summary.

Helen Robinson receives the bad news: The boys, Jem and Dill, witness Helen, the widow's wife of Tom Robinson, collapsing before Atticus even had the chance to tell him the bad news. PLAY.

Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of To Kill a Mockingbird and what it means.

They hitch a ride from Atticus and travel with him and Calpurnia to Tom’s house. Find summaries for every chapter, including a To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter Summary Chart to help you understand the book. Learn. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Jem is relating the roly poly to Tom Robinson. Start Your Free Trial. Jem stops her and … Chapter 25 Summary Scout notices a roly-poly bug and she is about to mash it with her hand when Jem tells her not to. It is now September, and Jem and Scout are about to go to sleep on their cots on the back porch.