pgrep uses regex as pattern style. I think the vast majority would find case-insensitive more valuable, and for the edge-cases where that is not desired, they can specify a regex to get exactly what they want. ps ax | grep -i PATTERN But then I have to use the PID to send a KILL signal. If unset (or set to 0), Git will use as many threads as the number of logical cores available. Case Insensitive Case Insensitive and Recursive. grep.fullName . git log --grep= --grep= -i --all-match # man git-log # -i means use a case insensitive search # --all-match means log message needs all … validates_uniqueness_of is supposed to be case insensitive by default according to the docs, but it ain't. Number of grep worker threads to use. "show me ones that are not FIXUP commits"). ; Passing --oneline is really only for cosmetic purposes so you can safely ignore.

If set to true, enable --full-name option by default. Our commit message says ‘Add Xdebug’ but the code in this specific commit contains ‘zend_extension’.Nope, not what we’re looking for. I would vote to change the default grep to be case-insensitive, when the grepped string is not "regex-like". [PATCH] RFC Allow case insensitive search flag with git-grep for fixed-strings. Let’s try using git log with the built-in --grep argument.. You will have to excuse me, this is my first patch and I don't know if this is the right place to post this. git log --all --grep='Build 0051' # case insensitive git log --all --grep='Build 0051' -i I have a git repository that contains hundreds of commits and several branches. grep.fallbackToNoIndex . In some cases we may need to search case insensitive and recursive manner. #git” How can I use regex's REG_ICASE on the fly on the bash? The grep command in Linux is widely used for parsing files and searching for useful data in the outputs of different commands.. In this case we will search for ISMAIL case insensitive in /etc directory. GNU info and GNU emacs behave like less -i in this instance. You can, however, exclude case from a grep to make it not case sensitive – simply add -i: grep -i “Hello” textfile.txt. "log --grep", the matches made with -S/-G pickaxe search is done case insensitively now. Passing -i makes our search case-insensitive. For example, this could be useful if you want to search for a commit messages that mention a specific term or phrase.

The default is case-sensitive, -i is the default chosen by mandb, git, and IMO is useful. "helper function"? For a complete case insensitive (like for your copy-paste case), there's -I. vim has the smartcase option as an equivalent of less -i behaviour. In a Windows PowerShell the alternative for grep is the Select-String command.. Below you will find some examples of how to “grep” in Windows using these alternatives. When given the "--regexp-ignore-case" (or "-i") option, which originally was designed to affect case sensitivity of the search done in the commit log part, e.g.
The findstr command is a Windows grep equivalent in a Windows command-line prompt (CMD).. git log --grep="" This command will search the commit logs for this a specific pattern and return all of the matching commits. Alternatively, you could use it in conjunction with cat and tac (Reverse Cat) cat textfile.txt | grep … git log | grep -i 'dhh' DHH is an a-hole. – Stéphane Chazelas Apr 18 '19 at 15:12 “git log -i --grep=css; case insensitive git log search, genius! We then need to proceed differently and improve our methodology. Case-insensitive file searching with the Unix grep command. I miss the -i option of grep, to tell pgrep, that I am searching case insensitive. With the pgrep and pkill combo I can use the same pattern for killing the app.
"git log --grep=" shows only commits with messages that match the given string, but sometimes it is useful to be able to show only commits that do *not* have certain messages (e.g. If set to true, fall back to git grep --no-index if git grep is executed outside of a git repository. How to search a particular commit that contains a certain string e.g. This could be done in the next major version. Defaults to false. git log-i --grep= "fix "main.rb search.rb This command will filter out commits changes done to the specified files and also will match the log message by the …