Natural remedies to treat lichen planus are applying turmeric, coconut oil, aloe vera gel, and ginger juice on the affected areas. For some individuals, it may only involve one or two nails. It is one of the best remedies for oral lichen planus. This condition is chronic and involves oral lichen planus and penile or vulva lichen planus.

Welling Clinic offers specialised Homeopathy treatment to cure Lichen Planus permanently. Lichen Planus of the Nails and Scalp. Nail involvement occurs in 10% of patients with disseminated disease and may also develop in the absence of cutaneous symptoms as a destructive inflammatory onychodystrophy [].Treatment of nail LP is difficult and disappointing. When a rash appears on the scalp (known as lichen planopilaris), it may cause permanent scarring leading to alopecia or hair loss.


Here are some of the Natural Remedies for Lichen Planus that people have found most effective.

Lichen Planus Causes.

For others, it may affect all of the nails, causing temporary or permanent damage to the nail.

The Homeopathy treatment for Lichen Planus has been developed after an exhaustive in-house research. Lichen planus can also appear on both fingernails and toenails. Our clinics consults for more than 4000 patients of Lichen Planus globally, every year.

Lichen planus can also appear on both fingernails and toenails. When a rash appears on the scalp, it may cause permanent scarring leading to alopecia or hair loss. Lichen Planus of the Nails and Scalp. Lichen planus can last for anywhere between a couple of months and several years. It helps to rinse away all harmful bacteria from your mouth giving you …

Also drink valerian tea.
Introduction. Nail abnormalities like ridges on the surface ; Since lichen planus is a long-term disorder, its symptoms may last for months, or even years, without getting any worse.

For others, it may affect all of the nails, causing temporary or permanent damage to the nail. Since there is no direct cure for lichen planus, focus on reducing the symptoms. Home Remedies for Lichen Planus Include : Turmeric, Sage, Avena Sativa, Borax, Aloe Vera Gel, Essential Oils Like Peppermint or Tea Tree Oil and Valerian.

This disorder can get cured without any medical intervention but it is necessary to undergo treatment, to promote skin healing. Herbal Remedies for Lichen Planus Coconut pulling. Lichen planus (LP) is an inflammatory skin disorder with great polymorphism of its clinical appearance. It may affect the skin, scalp, and nails, as well as the mouth and the genitals. Discomfort can range from mild to severe and effective lichen planus treatments help to get rid of the symptoms and facilitate healing. Also drink valerian tea. Natural treatments turn out to be very useful in giving you relief from the itching and pain of erosive lichen planus. topical immunomodulating agents (used to treat lichen planus of the skin) – treatments such as tacrolimus ointment and pimecrolimus cream are rubbed directly onto the skin immunomodulating agents (used to treat lichen planus of the mouth) – these are usually available in the form of tablets or capsules, and can be used to treat severe cases of oral lichen planus Healthy Focus A Focus on your Health Treatment. For some individuals, it may only involve one or two nails. How to treat lichen planus with Home Remedies?