The report is entitled CSU Performing Arts Center. The effective date of the technical report and date of signing must be on the signature page. This report also discusses cable-stayed technology. 2 Structure. Table of Contents - Provide a table of contents listing the contents of the technical report, including figures and tables. Thus it is important to include numbered sections and subsections as well as a Table of Contents (TOC) in every formal report you write. It gives you an opportunity to emphasize whatever you think, your reader will find particularly in the attached material. 11 Originality and plagiarism. How to format headings and add a table of contents . Table of contents; Introduction; Body of the report; Conclusions; References; Appendices (if needed). It introduces the purpose and content of the report to the principle reader. 8 The report layout.

1 Introduction. beginning or end of the technical report, signed in accordance with section 5.2 of the Instrument.

This section describing a list of heading of each heading and subheading contented with the entire report, actually, it should preset heading styles. The components of a report are not written in the same order in which they appear e.g. Download pdf version for print. The purpose of the report is to inform you of our design decisions for the center. In creating a TOC, you have a number of design decisions: Levels of headings to include. Table of Contents. 6 Revising the first draft. 3 Presentation.

It usually comes after the title page, the copyright notices as well as the abstract if it’s available especially in technical journals. Technical reports need to be formatted and organized to allow for easy document navigation. The TOC is not only found in books, formal reports which are longer than 10 pages also have a table of contents. The content of this report concentrates on the structural and acoustical aspects of the CSU Performing Arts Center.

So, your technical report should have at least 8 pages – keep it in mind, but don’t limit this number! Illustrations – Guide to Technical Report Writing.

As all table of contents goes, this one on your technical report should include the parts, sections, subsections, and even the appendices of your paper and the page where your reader can find them. Introduction.

You may also see management report examples. 10 References to diagrams, graphs, tables and equations. the letter of transmittal is the first thing the reader sees, but it is probably the last to be created. December 12, 1996 Dr. Tom Siller Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80524 Dear Mr. Siller: We are submitting to you the report, due December 13, 1996, that you requested. 5 Writing the first draft. … The TOC shows readers what topics are covered in the report, how those topics are discussed (the subtopics), and on which page numbers those sections and subsections start.

9 Headings. 4 Planning the report. Table of contents. For example, the body that is an essential part of a report may include many other subsections, points, subpoints, etc. 7 Diagrams, graphs, tables and mathematics . 3. The table of contents is where the subtopics and parts of the technical report is listed with their corresponding page numbers. 4. It also appears before any list of tables or figures, the foreword and the preface. You are familiar with tables of contents (TOC) but may never have stopped to look at their design. It should not contain jargon, abbreviations, or acronyms. It enables you to point out any errors or omission in the material.